Thursday, January 7, 2010

Becoming Gluten Free...

When I was fifteen years old, my father suffered a heart attack.  This was my trigger for the storm at bay: celiac disease.  From this point forward, I had chronic stomach pain.

I recently reconnected with a friend from high school after almost 20 years, thanks to facebook.  She said that she remembered that in French class, I would be buckled over in pain and would need to leave to go home on a regular basis.  I went to many doctors across the country and had several tests done.  I was typically diagnosed with a pre-ulcer condition and given medication to treat ulcers.  All of the medications I was given never made the pain subside.  So, after 10 years of searching for answers, I gave up.  I thought that this was what I was given and, therefore, just needed to live with it.

My condition progressively and exponentially became worse over time.  I had chronic pain, migraines, bloody noses, nausea & vomiting, and I was so exhausted.  I mean, really exhausted.  I feel like I had, had the flu for years.

I had gotten so used to the pain, it was all day, every day.  However, I could never get used to the exhaustion, so I started to go to talk to doctor's about how tired I was all of the time.  I could barely get out of bed after 10 hours of sleep.  One response I got was, " You are too busy, you should slow down your life."  But that was the problem, I wanted to LIVE.  I wanted to be energetic.  I wanted zest for life.  At the time, life was living me.  I was just surviving.

It was not until I was listening to Julie (now my business partner) in 2004.  I was listening to her personal crusade for her own wellness.  She had developed the same symptoms in her 30's that I had most of my life.  It sounded like a clip from my own life.  Julie, having a master's degree in nutrition, researched her symptoms and uncovered what at the time was a disease thought to be effecting a fraction of a percentage of people:  Celiac Disease.  This was the first I had heard of it.

Julie listened to my story and suggested that I go gluten free.  What did that even mean?  She shared with me what I would need to do.

What did I have to loose?  Nothing, but had everything to gain.

Going gluten free changed my life...or should I say, saved my life.

Within 3 days, I had more energy.  No more stomach pain.

Within 6 months, I no longer had bloody noses, no more migraines.

I have been gluten free for over 5 years.  I know that it saved my life.

To your health...



  1. Interesting, did you plan to continue this article?

  2. Hello Edwas,
    We have a team of 3. The 3 of us will continue to tell our personal stories and look forward to hearing what you have to say.
    Thank you,

  3. to GoogleReader!

  4. [...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Gluten Free Bistro. Gluten Free Bistro said: Why I became #gluten-free... [...]
