Saturday, August 7, 2010

And it was good

Friday, August 6, 2010, by Stapleton Moms 

Yes, the very day I heard about this, I did drag my kids to the Nick-n-Willy's in Boulder, on 8th & Pearl, to pick up one of their gluten-free take & bake pizza's. Sausage, mushroom, peppers, no cheese. I added my own sheep's milk cheese that I got from Whole Foods. It's a mild, soft, mozzarella-like texture and I threw away the wrapper so I hope I can find it again.

Cooked it for 13 minutes, and I have to say: Aaaahhh. It was good. Really good. Nothing cardboardy or dry about it. It was moist, and chewy, and felt like pizza.

I ate way too much of it.

The guy at Nick-n-Willy's told me the women at Gluten Free Bistro tweaked around the recipe for years until they felt they'd gotten it right, and the secret is coconut flour. Whatever it is, it's good.

You can order the crusts from their website. And rumor has it Cucina Colore in Cherry Creek will start stocking it, too.

So go enjoy -- and I do mean truly enjoy -- a gluten-free pizza.

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