Tuesday, June 14, 2011

The Gluten Free Bistro's Fettuccine with Pesto, Roasted Tomatoes andShrimp

Serves 2 


1 package The Gluten Free Bistro's Fettuccine (6 oz)

1/2 lb raw shrimp

1 tbs mixed fresh herbs (chopped)

1.5 tbs olive oil or butter

salt and pepper

1/2 cup roasted tomatoes (recipe follows)

1/2 cup store bought pesto

parmesan cheese (optional)


Heat olive oil in skillet over medium heat. Add herbs and shrimp. Saute shrimp until pink and cooked through. Season with salt and pepper. Set aside. 

Boil pasta according to package directions. Drain pasta and place in large bowl. Toss gently with pesto and roasted tomatoes. Top with shrimp and parmesan cheese. Season with pepper and serve immediately. Enjoy!

Our pasta can been found at Whole Foods Boulder and Tamarac Locations and Alfalfa's Market


How to slow roast tomatoes (from Smitten Kitchen)

Cherry, grape or small Roma tomatoes

Whole gloves of garlic, unpeeled

Olive oil

Herbs such as thyme or rosemary (optional)

Preheat oven to 225°F. Halve each cherry or grape tomato crosswise, or Roma tomato lengthwise and arrange on a parchment-lined baking sheet along with the cloves of garlic. Drizzle with olive oil, just enough to make the tomatoes glisten. Sprinkle herbs on, if you are using them, and salt and pepper, though go easily on these because the finished product will be so flavorful you’ll need very little to help it along. Bake the tomatoes in the oven for about three hours. You want the tomatoes to be shriveled and dry, but with a little juice left inside–this could take more or less time depending on the size of your tomatoes.Either use them right away or let them cool, cover them with some extra olive oil and keep them in the fridge for the best summer condiment, ever.

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