Wednesday, January 30, 2013

GF Pizza on a Stick

Great party idea.. super easy for your Gluten-Free Super Bowl!  Grab a pack of popsicle sticks and make some fun appetizers!  Kids love these...

Defrost a Gluten Free Bistro's Dough Ball from your favorite grocery.  If they don't have it, here is something you can print to give to the manager asking them to carry it for you:

Defrost for 50 seconds on defrost setting in microwave or place in fridge or on counter top to use that evening.

Preheat oven to 400 degrees.

With olive oiled hands, make 1 ounce dough balls [12 in a dough ball].

Insert a popsicle stick.

Pat flat.

Bake for 6 minutes untopped then remove from oven.  [At this point, you can freeze them and save them for later, if you want.]

Top with your favorite ingredients.

Bake for 15 minutes at 400 degrees.


1 comment:

  1. [...] about Pizza on a Stick from The Gluten Free Bistro?  Lots of possibilities here, and a fun one to make with kids in the [...]
