Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Banana Bread Muffins: Never miss the gluten!

I PROMISE you won't miss the wheat in this recipe!  No one can ever tell when I make these to bring to a brunch that they do not have wheat flour in them.  In fact, my friend has owned a bakery for 25 years and is very pro-gluten.  He tried our banana muffin and said he would have never known the difference had we not told him.  Now that is a testimonial!

Finally, a whole grain, gluten free flour that is good for you and tastes great.

Banana Bread:

¼ c Butter, at room temperature

¼ c vegetable oil

1 cup dark brown sugar

1 ½ c Bistro Flour Blend

1 t ground cinnamon

¼ t nutmeg

½ t baking soda

1 t baking powder

½ t ginger powder

½ t salt

1 egg

1 cup very ripe bananas

[add a 1/3 cup of walnuts if you like]


Preheat oven to 350.

Grease 8”x4”X2” loaf pan with 1 t of butter.

In the bowl of an electric mixer, combine the butter, oil, & sugar.  Cream the mixture until smooth.

Sift the flour, spices, baking soda, baking powder, and salt, set aside.

Add the egg to the creamed mixture and mix unitl incorporated.

Add the sifted flour mixture, about ½ c at a time, until all is incorporated, and the batter is smooth.

Fold in the bananas into the batter.

Pour batter into loaf pan.  For small muffins, I use a small ice cream scoop to portion them out.

Baking instructions:

Bake the loaf for 55-60 minutes at 350, or until skewer inserted in the center comes out clean.

or Small Muffins: 20-25 minutes

The Gluten Free Bistro

Office:  720.329.3254   TheGlutenFreeBistro.com

Delicious, Nutritious, & Gluten Free!

To your health,

Kelly, Co-Founder of The Gluten Free Bistro

Gluten-free in Boulder, CO


  1. [...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Laura West. Laura West said: Currently Browsing: Banana Bread Muffins: Never miss the gluten! - The Gluten Free Bistro http://bit.ly/9Ev5TN [...]

  2. I just made this bread and surprised that it came out this good. I didn't even follow the recipe right because I wasn't paying attention. I melted the butter instead, used coconut oil and I didn't add the egg with the brown sugar mixture but added it before I put bananas in but it all came out in the wash. I even burnt the top a little but tastes mighty good. Very good recipe.
