Wednesday, April 28, 2010

BBQ Brisket Pizza

My grandmother, born and raised in Alabama, made the best southern food while I was growing up.  While she was living in East Chicago, she owned a small restaurant that served biscuits and gravy, chicken & dumplin's, SOS, BBQ, & the like.  Many of these things that I miss being gluten-free.  But I do love me some southern food.  I found a gem for southern food in Denver:  Whole Foods in Denver [Hampden & Tamarac].  I was introduced to the glorious buffet of smoked meats by the GM, Louis Karp, there.  Smoked brisket, house made sausage, turkey, you name it.  I had to have some today.  You would not believe by the way that I am speaking to you that I typically eat vegetarian for most meals, but nothing can break me like BBQ.  The smokey, sweet, savory heaven...

I picked some up for dinner tonight.  Yes, a small taste of everything that they have.  I don't get down there often so I figured that I could freeze what we don't eat.

We made a BBQ Brisket Pizza.  So delicious!  The photo does not do it justice partially because of the camera and partially because we didn't wait to eat the pizza, sorry.  One of these days I will treat myself to a digital SLR so I can treat you to better pictures.

BBQ Brisket Pizza

1- 10" Gluten Free Bistro Pizza Crust

3 T Spicy BBQ Sauce [GF]

1/4 lb. Smoked Brisket

Thinly sliced onion [to taste]

1/2 lb Cordobes cheese, thinly sliced or shredded

preferred accoutrements:  cole slaw and a wedge salad

  • preheat the oven to 400 degrees

  • spread the sauce evenly

  • spread chopped brisket, onions, then layer with cheese

  • bake for 15 minutes [ovens may differ, so keep an eye on it]

It is easy and a crowd pleaser.

Order the pizza crust on line just freeze & have on hand:

To your health,

Kelly, Co-Founder of The Gluten Free Bistro

Gluten-free in Boulder, CO


  1. [...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Gluten Free Bistro. Gluten Free Bistro said: BBQ Brisket #Gluten Free Pizza! #celiac #GF #gfree #whatsfordinner [...]

  2. Wow! I just made 2 pizzas with your crust and they were great! It had flavor to it, but not too much to overpower the toppings. My husband and I were very pleased. I will be posting a homemade Italian sausage recipe that I used on my personal pizza on my blog to let everyone know about your healthy pizza crust!

  3. Thanks, Carla! We are so happy you enjoyed! Here is the blog post everyone...
    Order our pizza crust online today and receive an automatic 20% discount!!! Fall in love with food again with the Gluten Free Bistro.
